Vinyl Backsplash and Silhouette Cameo Giveaway

vinyl backsplash

As a long time crafter, I have used many personal die cutting machines.  I was an owner of the big name cutter that shall remain nameless from the time that they introduced the first model.  Not only that, but I bought all of the cartridges and upgraded with each new machine.  Let me tell you, friends, that the day that I decided to switch over to a Silhouette Cameo was one of the happiest of my crafting life!  There are no cartridges to buy and really no limit to what you can create with this baby.  About two years ago, I was researching Sure Cuts a Lot to see if I would be able to use that to sneak around spending an enormous amount of money on cartridges that didn’t give me what I wanted anyway when I came across the Silhouette.  I hadn’t heard of it at the time, but I did some research and decided to sell my machine, cartridges and all accessories on the spot.  I have never once regretted that decision!  For me, the greatest asset of the Cameo is that you can basically cut any design that you can find on the internet.  Yes, that’s right…almost anything that you find!!!  If it is a non copy righted image that you can save as a JPEG, you can upload it to your Silhouette software and you are good to go.  It is truly amazing.  And of course, it’s also totally free.  You don’t need to buy a cartridge at all!  Looking for a new font?  Simply find a free font on the internet and download.  The possibilities are really and truly endless.  And I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am that I am part of a Silhouette Cameo Giveaway.  One of you lucky readers will be the oh so happy recipient of a brand spanking new Cameo shipped directly to your home for free!  Oh my gosh, I am ecstatic!!!


And with my Silhouette on my mind, I decided to tackle a project that has been on my to do list for quite some time; a kitchen backsplash.  I have spent a fair amount of effort trying to find a tile that I feel compliments my busy granite countertops to no avail.  I had all but given up hope when the light bulb went off over my head.  Why not use my Silhouette Cameo to cut a simple design out of white vinyl that I can then adhere to the wall?  This project took me about an hour from start to finish and was relatively inexpensive.  It is also not permanent, so this would be a great option for someone who is renting as it will not damage walls.  It was so easy that I almost feel silly writing a tutorial!  Here is what my kitchen looked like before I stated:

backsplash 5

After choosing a design in my Silhouette Studio software, I measured from the bottom of my wall cabinets to the counter top.  I cut my vinyl to the desired length and used my Cameo to cut out the design.  I lined it up on the wall and used a credit card to smooth out any air bubbles.  I continued measuring and working my way down the wall, making sure to line up my design as carefully as possible.  Now here are the “after” shots:

backsplash 3

backsplash 2

backsplash 1

Now that you’ve seen a bit of what the Silhouette Cameo can do, I know that you must be dying to enter to win it.

Enter to win the Silhouette Cameo using the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway






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  1. I was just talking to my mom about going halvesies on a Cricut. We are definitely going to have to look into a Silhouette now. I want to make an argyle design for my hallway and this would be way easier than trying to paint one.

  2. Would love to enter this, but the log in doesn’t work.

  3. I love your backsplash! Great giveaway! Thanks! I would love a Silhouette! It would make a lot of my crafting so much easier!
    Jennifer recently posted…Fun & Funky Home OfficeMy Profile

  4. Kristen – love your insight on the the Silhouette! I have yet to make the plunge – but have definitely been lusting after this item. I really enjoy your blog – found via Pinterest .

  5. Sandra Dismuke Hutcheson says:

    Thanks for an awesome giveaway! Love the the way you used the vinyl in the kitchen!

  6. That backsplash is awesome. Wouldn’t mind having a cameo of my own!

  7. What would you tackle first with your Silhouette? Learning how to use it! Haha. I’ve never used one! 🙂

    After that, I’d most likely use it to start decorating my apartment. I love the backsplash idea!

  8. Caitlin S. says:

    I would love to win a Silhouette Cameo! I have so many ideas already! I want to make signs and banners for my brother’s upcoming wedding, posters fort classroom, and at home projects for my home!

  9. Love that back splash so much! I rent and have a black and white kitchen, the walls are black!!!! Can’t do much to change that except add a little color with vinyl! I would be adding vinyl to everything! I am pretty sure I will need crafters anonymous if I win this, that or my kids will have me committed! Eh, either way, I will have fun in the meantime!! Oh and I could make the beachy themed ornaments I saw on Pinterest, and the……….

  10. Karla Valladares says:

    I would lo e to someday win a cameo, I see all of these DIY projects , especially for the house . But I can only dream dream of owning one, it is not in my budget presently. I love throwing parties for my boys and decorating around the house, but I do it the old fashion way which is tracing, freehanding and cutting with scissors.. Very time consuming.. So this will be the ultimate gift for me and my poor hands, Lol.. Thank you for the opportunity

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